C’mon over to https://www.marieforleo.com/blog/getting-blown-off where the main discussion happens after the episode!
Getting blown off sucks, but what does it say about you? The truth is, it says NOTHING about you. In this video you’ll learn the three essential things to keep in mind next time you get blown off, ignored or feel like nobody likes you.
1. Don’t Take Anything Personally. In his book, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz’s second Agreement is to not take anything personally and he actually means everything. Don’t take anything that anyone says or does personally — even if you’re getting blown off.
2. Put The Shoe On The Other Foot. When you’re getting blown off and feel ignored, think about how many times you haven’t gotten back to someone because you forgot, you were too overwhelmed, or you didn’t have an answer for them.
3. Follow Up Nicely. If you feel that you’re getting blown off by someone, usually a friendly follow-up is helpful. Don’t make the other person wrong for not getting back to you, but try saying: “Hey there, just a friendly follow up. I know you’re really busy and this email may have slipped off your radar.” Being kind, compassionate and understanding in your follow-up goes a really long way.
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